Bespoke Courses

Please fill in the following RFP Form with brief details of your requirements. If you wish to request for a specific Consultant as the Course Director then let us know. Upon successful submission of the RFP Form we will revert with a proposal within 3 to 7 days.
Thank You!

    Title (required)

    Name (required)

    Email Address (required)

    Phone Number (required,Please include country code)

    Company Name (required)


    Website Address (required)

    Industry/Field (required)

    Level (required)

    Job Title (required)

    Describe your relationship with TiberiasMC (required)

    If Other, please specify

    What is your role in the decision making process? (required)

    Describe your business need and the services you are seeking (maximum 2000 characters) (required)

    Is there a budget pending or finalized for this project? (required)

    If yes, what is the estimated budget? (required)

    When do you plan to begin this project? (required)


    Course Category

    Target Audience / Participants (e.g. Senior/ Middle / Executive Management Level)

    Key Objectives for the In-house / Bespoke Course

    Expected Learning Outcomes

    Number of Participants Per Session

    Required Course Outline if any (Upload the document if available)

    Special Topics / Subject Emphasis Required if any

    Venue / Location

    Proposed Date Options

    Course Duration

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