The timely delivery of your E & P projects is determined by the meticulous specification of your C/P clauses and Contract administration”

If you own or operate or hire any of the OSVs like a Tug, Barge, Supply Ship, Rig, Crane-Barge or Pipe-laying Vessel, then this course is for you only!

In the Offshore Oil & Gas Exploration & Production (E & P) industry, field development, hook-up, commissioning (HUIC) and production activities are dependent on the reliable availability of a fleet of Offshore Support Vessels (OSV). Not only is the availability of OSV’s important, but expertise and “know how” in C/P and or Charterparty (Contract) Management is equally crucial.

Understanding the essential ingredients of contracts and mastering the applications of maritime laws applicable to your Charterparty, will equip you to identify vague or ambiguous terms, avoid dangerous and often unimagined consequences.

The 5-day individually book-able workshop has been developed as a modular but intensive workshop. It is intended to assist you in enhancing the level of understanding for important topics, such as, using Industry de facto Standard C/P forms or customised contracts, implied commitments, issues of indemnity and liability, guarantees, gaps, lacunas and clauses to protect each party’s interests. This course will enable you to identify key issues fast and demonstrate some easily implementable chartering practices and policies, to accomplish the desired goals.

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